Cherokee Lake Real Estate

Cherokee Lake real estate listings are updated every 2 hours. If you’re specifically searching for a Cherokee Lake home for sale or lots and land available on or near the lake, please search below.  If you’re unable to locate the real estate your searching for, please fill out our secure Cherokee Lake Listing Alerts form below requesting newly added MLS listing specific to the Cherokee Lake area be emailed to you. Your information will not be sold or shared, please read our Privacy Policy.

Also referred to as ‘the Cherokee Reservoir’, Cherokee Lake is formed by the impediment of the Holston River behind Cherokee Dam with a surface area of about 28,780 acres and nearly 400 miles of shoreline. Lake water levels fluctuate over a range of about 27 feet.

A Tennessee Valley Authority dam built for hydroelectric generation and flood control, Cherokee Lake real estate has become very attractive to investors and residents for boundless reasons such as; plenty of public access points to the lake, Panther Creek State Park, commercial boat docks, resorts, and a state wildlife management area on the shores of the lake. This pristine lake and its many offerings attract an extensive number of people annually to the lake area.

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