Jefferson City real estate listings are updated every 2 hours. Specifically searching for land or homes for sale in Jefferson City and didn’t find what you’re looking for, please call us at 865.908.6000 to further assist you. You may also fill out our secure Listing Alerts form below and as new Gatlinburg real estate listings are added to the area’s MLS database you will automatically receive them in your email. Your information will not be sold or shared.
Originally named Mossy Creek, the area was renamed Jefferson City after Thomas Jefferson.
Located in beautiful East Tennessee, approximately twenty miles northeast of Knoxville, Jefferson City offers a small-town atmosphere.
Jefferson City real estate has witnessed an upswing over the last few years. Several industries have located to the area, creating the largest employment opportunities in Jefferson County along with a high demand for single-family real estate and small business commercial properties.
If you are specifically searching for Jefferson City real estate and don’t find what you’re looking for, please call us at 865.908.6000 to further assist you. You may also click on the Alerts button below to receive new Jefferson City real estate listings, as they are added to the Smokies local MLS database, in your email. Your information will not be sold or shared per our Privacy Policy.
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